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Neonatal Transport Team

When your baby is critically ill, time is of the essence. At CHAM, our Neonatal Transport Team gets your baby to an appropriate facility safely and quickly.

The CHAM 24-hour Neonatal Transport Program is operated by the Regional Perinatal Center, for newborns requiring transfer to one of our Neonatal Intensive Care Units or the Pediatric Critical Care Unit at The Children's Hospital at Montefiore.

The transport team includes neonatal nurses, a respiratory therapist, a neonatal nurse practitioner or physician assistant, and a neonatal fellow.

We also provide return transport of infants to their community hospital for continuing care once the acute phase of their treatment is complete, or transfer them to a regional children's rehabilitation hospital.

Call 718-904-4032 to arrange for neonatal transport. For maternal transports, call 1-877-MFM-HELP.

Contact the Division of Neonatology